What We Offer ?
We are exploring solutions and models that can be financially viable, focusing on sustainability, having in mind climate crisis and the limitations of natural resources.

Recent News

Maria Damanaki opened the event: "Promoting Sustainable small-scale Aquaculture in the Mediterranean", organised by the Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)./ Athens, June 2024

Wednesday 5th June, World Environment Day 2024, at 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗠𝗘𝗣𝗔 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 : “SHIPPING RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE", Session “Climate Change Explained”, Posidonia Conference Hall./ Athens, June 2024

This year, Greece hosted the 9th Our Ocean Conference, uniting stakeholders across sectors to drive further commitments towards ocean sustainability. Maria Damanaki moderated a side event, where some great ladies talked about the role of women in Blue Economy:
Semiramis Paliou, Cairperson HELMEPA, Tatiana der Avedissian, Co-president of the Harvard Kennedy School Women Network, Prof. Assuncao Cristas, NOVA Law School, Nancy Lindborg, President and Chief Exwcutive, David and Lucille Packard Foundation, Minako Iue, CEO Sailors for the Sea- Japan, Zefi Dimadama, phD, Secretary General for Equality and Human Rights of Greece, Elpi Petraki, President, Women in Shipping and Trade Association International, Jane Lubchenco, Deputy Director for climate and environment, White House office of science and technology policy./ Athens, April 2024

In Our Ocean Conference Greece 2024, Maria Damanaki had the honour to moderate the High-Level Segment with the participation of Heads of State Government. Among important speakers: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Secretary John Kerry./ Athens, April 2024

During the 11th Annual World Ocean Summit and Expo, Maria Damanaki, co - founder of Leading Women for Oceans, took part at the workshop: "How to close the gender gap in the blue economy" in an interactive discussion with the expert speakers: Assunção Cristas, Huan Zheng, Inge Relph and Tatiana Der Avedissian. Maria Damanaki noticed among others: "Participation of women in blue economy is not just good for them. It is an asset for business and society. The higher women's representation in the sector can boost local, regional and national economies./ Lisbon, March 2024

''Το βιβλίο επιχειρεί να δώσει ολοκληρωμένη απάντηση στο πιο σύνθετο πρόβλημα της εποχής μας". Από την ομιλία της Μαρίας Δαμανάκη στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Γιάννη Μανιάτη "Επειδή δεν υπάρχει planet B"./ Αθήνα, Mάρτιος 2024

Υψηλού επιπέδου και προβληματισμού το Συμπόσιο Ελλάδας – Γαλλίας στο Παρίσι (15-2-24), υπό την αιγίδα των Πρεσβειών Ελλάδας και Γαλλίας, της Ουνέσκο και του Forum των Δελφών. Είχα την ευκαιρία να μιλήσω για Γαλάζια ανάπτυξη: Βιωσιμότητα, Σχεδιασμός με βάση την επιστήμη, την καινοτομία, το σεβασμό στη φύση και να συνομιλήσω με εκπροσώπους της ελληνικής και γαλλικής κυβέρνησης, της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών και σημαντικών εκπροσώπων της ελληνικής και γαλλικής επιστημονικής κοινότητας. Μια καλή μέρα για τη συμφιλίωση του ανθρώπου με τη θάλασσα./ Παρίσι, Φεβρουάριος

"Mediterranean sea: Can we save it ?" Maria Damanaki's speech on the 40 years of action anniversary event of ARCHELON at the Benaki Museum/ Athens, November 2023

«European countries must coordinate on energy priorities and energy transition facilitation in order to achieve energy security and sustainability» Maria Damanaki at the 7th Greek British Symposium/ London, October 2023

Maria Damanaki between Karlos Duarte from KAUST SAUDI ARABIA and the Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy of SENEGAL Mamadou Diop at the II Sustainable Blue Economy Investment Forum (SBEIF). The II edition of the SBEIF is a commitment to sustainably develop a strong economic growth together with a healthy ocean, creating blue jobs and contributing to an equitable wealthy society/ Portugal, October 2023

«My students at NOVA UNIVERSITY make me proud!» Maria Damanaki is a visiting professor on Marine Policy in NOVA University of Lisbon/ Lisbon, October 2023

«Current threats and challenges for our food systems» Maria Damanaki’s keynote speech at the European Food Law Association (EFLA) Congress/ Lisbon, October 2023

Fruitful meeting with ORNITHOLOGIKI GR and BIRDLIFE for seabirds, biodiversity and Marine Protected Areas in Greece/ Athens, September 2023